Anil Sharma

IND | Bhind | Madhya Pradesh

Anil Sharma is the Independent candidate from Bhind (General) constituency in Bhind district of Madhya Pradesh in the 2023 Assembly elections. His profession according to the election affidavit filed with the Election Commission is: Social Work & Labour. Anil Sharma's educational qualifications are: 12th Pass and is of 53 years of age. His total declared assets are Rs 1.4 lakh which includes Rs 1.4 lakh in moveable assets and Rs 0 as immovable assets. The total declared income is Rs 0 of which Rs 0 is self income. Anil Sharma has total liabilities of Rs 0. This IND candidate, in the election affidavit mentioned 0 criminal cases registered against him.


Bhind Assembly election results

PartyParty votes polledVotes %Candidate name
Sanjeev Singh (Sanju)
Margin :35,896 (24.27%)
BJP33,21122.45%Chaudhary Rakesh Singh Chaturvedi
SP30,47420.6%Narendra Singh Kushwah

Bhind Assembly election results


Bhind Assembly election results

About Bhind constituency

Assembly constituency no.10 Bhind (भिंड in Hindi), is an Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) seat in the Chambal region and Bhind district, of the state of Madhya Pradesh, which is in the Central region of India (Bharat). Bhind is part of the 2. Bhind (Scheduled Caste) Lok Sabha (Parliamentary) constituency. This constituency can be categorised as: General; Semi-Urban constituency.
  • First published: November 03, 2023, 12:02 IST
  • Last updated: January 4, 2024 at 06:12 PM IST

Anil Sharma

Candidate details
Party :Independent
Age :53
Gender :M
Education :12th Pass
Profession :Social Work & Labour
Movable Assets :Rs 1.4 lakh
Immovable assets :Rs 0
Self Income :Rs 0
Total Income :Rs 0
Phase :1
Poll Date :November 17, 2023
Counting of votes/Results date: :December 3, 2023

Assembly cons. Results

Cons. name201820132008